Friday 24 June 2016

I suck at this

Hello again,

I'm terrible at blogging. I really don't do it enough. I was reading my last few posts and they're from a while ago. Good thing no one reads this and wants to see weekly updates or something!

What's new in the collecting world of the ATrain? I'll tell ya!.....not much! That's sad isn't it? I want to add new pieces to my collection all the time but that's not as easy as it sounds. When I began collecting 16 years ago I really had nothing to worry about. I was a teenager living at home and only had to pay for my gas, my car and that was it! Back then a cell phone was actually a phone. And text messaging wasn't a thing yet. It was glorious. Fast forward 16 years I'm a father to two womderful amazing kids, my wife and I own a house and we pay a car payment. So collecting has taken a back seat, as it should.

I wouldn't trade being a dad for anything in the world. I do sometimes miss the no worries or stress of owning a home but it's ours and we own it! And I love it!

Alright let's get right to it. What's new in the collection you ask? I will gladly tell you! Last time I blogged, I had just gotten a Pink the Rink, a 3rd BWK from 03 and 2 vintage Canucks jerseys. Not a lot of action in the jersey dept. I did pick up a Meilleur black BWK jersey from the team store. Decent proce too! Side bar, the Wheat Kings jerseys are one of the most expensive to buy in Canada. It's crazy! The Kamloops Blazers start theirs at $75 while the Wheaties are min $350! Max I've seen is $1500. Those are players like Schenn, Provorov, Patrick etc. Back to the jerseys, that's the only one I've picked up lately. However, they will be releasing the 14/15 Gamers next week hopefully and when that happens, I will own Provorov's rookie jersey. Yes I'm buying it. I've been saving up for it since January. I can't wait! Of course the 15/16 jerseys will come out in the fall. I'm planning on getting the Patrick and hopefully it has the Red Deer Mem Cup patch. Speaking of which, I made a friend who collects Wheaties things like me. He went to the Mem Cup and hooked me up with some awesome merch. Just this past week I won a game used Hawrykuk auto stick. It was an auction bid at Relay for Life, an event put on by the Canadian Cancer Society. That's about it since my last post.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. Canada is one week away so everyone please be socially responsible and enjoy the weekend.


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