Monday 15 February 2016 my obsession !

Welcome back!

So as I mentioned last post, the Wheat Kings are having their Pink the Rink night on Friday Feb 19th.  The Canadian Cancer society, westman chapter, sells pink the rink shirts and raffle tickets to help raise aweness and money for cancer society. Of course the big draw are the special Pink the Rink jerseys the players wear that night. They do a live silent auction from the start of the game and closes the end of the second intermission. Now, the cool thing is these auctions and shirts along with raffles raise around $30K. All for a great cause.

So the auctions get....interesting ha. The first year they did this was 2014. First time the BWK ever did a specialty jersey night. Of course the game worn guys like myself were excited! A one time jersey cool! Now I did bid a little but my cap was low and these got over that fast. So didn't put much more thought into it. Then last years pink the rink happened. I was now bound and determined to get a jersey. This is where it gets entertaining....

So, I tried the on air radio auctions got outbid both times. Then at the game I bid on one and it went high real fast. So I waited around at the table and decided that I would get any jersey didn't matter the player. Now they said the auction is over at puck drop to start the 3rd. Well some people don't understand that. The big problem is people rely on the time clock. Well it doesn't always count down to zero. In fact they stop it at 1 min or so. Now some bidders thought they were cheated out of a jersey. I snagged mine at the last second and royaly pissed off the older lady who had it won. I waited until they started grabbing sheets and wrote on it. Anyway I walked over to the pay table and squared up. Well there was a guy there who was cussing out the ladies that he was cheated and blah blah blah this is fixed. He carried on for about 2 mins and finally one of the WK people,had to tell him he lost sorry get over it. Well you can imagine how well that went off!

So a few weeks later the jerseys were ready to be picked up. I went to get mine and the lady in charge told me that there was a lot of angry emails and phone calls afterwards regarding the jerseys and auction. Hate mail to the cancer society. Can you believe that?

I ended up befriending the lady and she's a great person. I actually volunteered for the first time ever last sept for a CCS road hockey tournament. It was fantastic.

Well Feb rolls up and she sends me a msg. Hey Pink the Rink is Feb 19th. You wanna help out? Of course I say yes! I wanna be on the other side of the table when the sh^t hits the fan. I told myself and my wife, no matter how cool they look, I'm not gonna bid. Ha well... They realeased a picture of the jerseys....yup they look freaking awesome! So now I'm like hmm... Well I'll bid once and that's it. So the first love on air auction starts and I said to her, put a bid of $600 on it start this auction out properly! I of course, assumed I would be outbid no problem. Well guess what.... Nope! So I won the auction. how do I pay for this... Oh man. I couldn't believe no one else wanted it. So it's going to be a fun night watching the shenanigans on Friday.

Well that's it for me. Have a good Loius Riel day !

As always, keep that stick on the ice!


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