Wednesday 8 July 2015

How it all started ... Well, sort of

I wanted to open this post with something witty. Like a classic Hello True Believers! Like Stan Lee would say or a funny quote about life or perhaps a pun. Well... I got nothing. So I'm just gonna start by saying ... Hey... What's going on? .. The 4 non-blondes song just popped in my head as I typed that and I'm rolling with it.

Welcome to my blog. As the name states, I'm a collector. Of what you ask? Well let me tell you. I collect hockey memorabilia. Mostly items related to the Great One, Wayne Gretzky. I also collect memorabilia from my fav NHL team the Vancouver Canucks. I also have some Winnipeg Jets items in my man cave cause let's be honest a Manitoba kid born and raised loves his Jets. Yes I was a kid when the first incarnation of the Jets were in The Peg. I got to see Selanne live! And I got to see the Great One in the old Winnipeg Arena. Classic. I also collect Brandon Wheat Kings items. I wanted to blog about my experiences collecting and adding great pieces to my growing collection and of course the rookie mistakes I've made. I want to help other people by sharing things I've learned over the last 16 years and other tips and tools of the trade I was shown by other hardcore collectors. Even if no one reads this, that's cool with me cause I kinda think of this as a journal. A journal that anyone and everyone can read and laugh or agree with.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned I'm debating what I wanna post next. I'm thinking either the trouble with jersey collecting and the fakes that have flooded the market or how getting that one big ticket item every collector has on their list can sometimes have an adverse effect on your collection. Trust me it can happen.

Good night, and keep your stick on the ice.

The Atrain.

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